Good Programming Software [closed]
What would you recommend as a GUI software to code in php, c, c++ software. Doesnt matter free or paid. I am looking for a solution that can support everything (compiling, debugging etc)
For windows
Eclipse is a very complete IDE and probably can satisfy all your needs. NetBeans is worth looking, too.
I, personally, just roll my own with vim and some scripts.
This is one of those religious questions capable of endless arguument. Some of the most popular are
- Vi/Vim
- TextMate
- Eclipse
I've also seen people speak well of SubEthaEdit, BBEdit, Smultron, and TextWrangler (that's weighted toward Mac apps since that's what I use normally.)
For a light-weight but still feature rich solution, I think Geany strikes a fantastic balance. I do all my programming (across several languages) in it.
A lot of people like to have all their programming utilities in one. This is called an "Integrated Development Environment" or IDE. NetBeans and Eclipse are both IDEs (and Emacs can be an IDE if you use its advanced features.) The "standard" IDE for Windows development is Microsoft Visual Studio, although I personally can't stand using it.
But there's something to be said for keeping the functionality separate, and I'd suggest trying it that way. You end up with a cleaner and more "purpose-built" user interface for each separate task. Good programming editors for Windows include Notepad++ and Geany, neither of which is a full-on IDE.
By GUI you mean: IDE? (ie 'Integrated Development Environment') And I suggest Netbeans as a pretty good free solution for php.