
MSTest or NCover test results in bamboo?

What are the possibilities to get nice detailed test coverage reports with MSTest or NCover r开发者_StackOverflow社区esults in bamboo build?

Is there any integration between Bamboo and Visual Studio 2008 in terms of test results?

I'd love to get the MSTest output myself, Bamboo 3 and VS2010. As I recall there's an option for NCover straight out of the box....

I'd have a fiddle running MSTest from the commandline and looking at the output (use the /resultsfile flag to control where the results go) But you might have done that and seen only the usual test result output.

I have tried - but there seems to be an ourtanding bug with getting Bamboo to pick up the results: http://jira.atlassian.com/browse/BAM-8230 seem to be be working on it within the past week. Amused to see they consider it 'minor'!

I can confirm that it doesn't matter what you put for the path to the test results file, it always logs that it is looking in the base working directory - but even if you redirect output there, Bamboo still doesn't find it...





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