
Add node numbers/get node locations from MATLAB's treeplot

I have been working with MATLAB's treeplot function, but it seems to provide surprisingly little plotting functionality and/or extendibility.

I am plotting a tree like so:

tree = [0  1  2  2  2  2  2  1  8  8  1  11  11  1  14];


Add node numbers/get node locations from MATLAB's treeplot

What I would like to do is add annotations or labels to specific nodes. A good starter would be to add the node numbers to each node, as in the example from the help file:

Add node numbers/get node locations from MATLAB's treeplot

As they state, though:

These indices are shown only for the point of illustrating the example; they are not part of the treeplot output.

Is there a way to get the locations of the plotted nodes, or at the very least to plot the node numbers? I couldn't find any FEX submissions with more advanced tree plots.

Ultimately, I'd like to plot small pictures at the nodes (using methods from answers to a previous question of mine).

This should help you make a labeled tree: (You supply the 'treeVec'.)

count = size(treeVec,2);
[x,y] = treelayout(treeVec);
x = x';
y = y';
name1 = cellstr(num2str((1:count)'));
text(x(:,1), y(:,1), name1, 'VerticalAlignment','bottom','HorizontalAlignment','right')
title({'Level Lines'},'FontSize',12,'FontName','Times New Roman');

With your sample input, this gives

Add node numbers/get node locations from MATLAB's treeplot

To get the position of the nodes, use treelayout


The vectors x and y give you the positions, which you can then use to plot images at the nodes.





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