
curl_init() isn't functioning

Anyone faced the same thing before? I've tried the same script on a XAMPP, it worked. And I'm trying to do on a WAMP, it reported call to undefined function curl_init(). I've enabled and double-checked on my WAMP 开发者_Go百科php.ini on line:


The commenting was removed alright.

Could the reason be CakePHP ? I'm developing the App on Cake. Or something I need to do with WAMP...

You have to edit both these files:

wamp\bin\php\your php version\php.ini
wamp\bin\Apache\your php version\bin\php.ini

To get this problem where the side by side configuration is correct, but its still not working in wamp php 5.4.3 fixed. Follow: http://www.morningtime.com/kb/188

The php_curl.dll library is bugged and must be replaced. See attachment below. Replace the old php_curl.dll file (in your wampserver/bin/php/{version}/ext/ folder) with the new one attached. Restart Apache and you are set.

link that is currently working: http://www.morningtime.com/sites/default/files/attachments/book/188/php_curl-5.4.3-VC9-x64.zip

worked for me.

Thanks for pinpointing to checking out phpinfo() sometimes you just get too tired to test the basic. Well, after that I googled and found the solution. It seems that for a WAMP server, we need to enable both php.ini on folder PHP/..bin and Apache/..bin

I restarted after confirming both were enabled and here in phpinfo() I got curl enabled. I guess it should be working now.

or did you restart your wamp apache or what ever server you have?


maybe this helps. also notice the updates on top of the 1st post

How to get CURL to work with PHP on Windows? (WAMP)





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