How do add values of selective rows from a list in an functional style?
I solved my problem in an imperative style, but it looks very ugly. How can I make it better (more elegant, more concise, more functional - finally its Scala). Rows with the same values as the previous row, but with a different letter should be skipped, all other values of the rows should be added.
val row1 = new Row(20, "A", true) // add value
val row2 = new Row(30, "A", true) // add value
val row3 = new Row(40, "A", true) // add value
val row4 = new Row(40, "B", true) // same value as the previous element & different letter -> skip row
val row5 = new Row(60, "B", true) // add value
val row6 = new Row(70, "B", true) // add value
val row7 = new Row(70, "B", true) // same value as the previous element, but the same letter -> add value
val rows = List(row1, row2, row3, row4, row5, row6, row7)
var previousLetter = " "
var previousValue = 0.00
var countSkip = 0
for (row <- rows) {
if (row.value == previousValue && row.letter != previousLetter) {
row.rel开发者_开发技巧evant = false
countSkip += 1
previousLetter = row.letter
previousValue = row.value
// get sum
val sumValue = rows.filter(_.relevant == true).map(_.value) reduceLeftOption(_ + _)
val sum = sumValue match {
case Some(d) => d
case None => 0.00
assert(sum == 290)
assert(countSkip == 1)
Thanks in advance
(rows.head :: rows).sliding(2).collect{
case List(Row(v1,c1), Row(v2,c2)) if ! (v1 == v2 && c1 != c2) => v2 }.sum
I think the shortest (bulletproof) solution when Row is a case class (dropping the boolean) is
(for ((Row(v1,c1), Row(v2,c2)) <- (rows zip rows.take(1) ::: rows) if (v1 != v2 || c1 == c2)) yield v1).sum
Some of the other solutions don't handle the list-is-empty case, but this is largely because sliding
has a bug where it will return a partial list if the list is too short. Clearer to me (and also bulletproof) is:
(rows zip rows.take(1) ::: rows).collect{
case (Row(v1,c1), Row(v2,c2)) if (v1 != v2 || c1 == c2) => v1
(which is only two characters longer if you keep it on one line). If you need the number skipped also,
val indicated = (rows zip rows.take(1) ::: rows).collect {
case (Row(v1,c1), Row(v2,c2)) => (v1, v1 != v2 || c1 == c2)
val countSkip = indicated.filterNot(_._2).length
val sum = indicated.filter(_._2).map(_._1).sum
Fold it:
scala> rows.foldLeft((row1, 0))((p:(Row,Int), r:Row) => (r, p._2 + (if (p._1.value == r.value && p._1.letter != r.letter) 0 else r.value)))._2
res2: Int = 290
(new Row(0, " ", true) +: rows).sliding(2).map { case List(r1, r2) =>
if (r1.value != r2.value || r1.letter == r2.letter) { r2.value }
else { 0 }
Of course you can drop the boolean member of Row
if you do not need it for something else
Reduce it:
rows.reduceLeft { (prev, curr) =>
if (prev.value == curr.value && prev.letter != curr.letter) {
curr.relevant = false
countSkip += 1