
Create an object matching details for a deserialized json response

I try to deserialize a complex object that is returned by a yahoo api but i'm not very experimented. I have created a basic object but is not matching the detail of my deserialized json. Can someone help me to build the correct object that will match the returned item in this response json after deserialize. Here Json and my basic object not matching details. Thanks.

# {  
# "places":{  
#   "place":[  
#     {  
#       "woeid":12521721,  
#       "placeTypeName":"Airport",  
#       "placeTypeName attrs":{  
#         "code":14 },  
#       "name":"San Francisco International Airport",  
#       "country":"United States",  
#       "country attrs":{  
#         "type":"Country",  
#         "code":"US" },  
#       "admin1":"California",  
#       "admin1 attrs":{  
#         "type":"State",  
#         "code":"US-CA" },  
#       "admin2":"San Mateo",  
#       "admin2 attrs":{  
#         "type":"County",  
#         "code":"" },  
#       "admin3":"",  
#       "locality1":"Millbrae",  
#       "locality1 attrs":{  
#         "type":"Town" },  
#       "locality2":"",  
#       "postal":"94128",  
#       "postal attrs":{  
#         "type":"Zip Code" },  
#       "centroid":{  
#         "latitude":37.614712,  
#         "longitude":-122.391808 },  
#       "boundingBox":{  
#         "southWest":{  
#           "latitude":37.601822,  
#           "longitude":-122.408089 },  
#         "northEast":{  
#         "latitude":37.627602,  
#         "longitude":-122.375526 } },  
#       "uri":"http:\/\/where.yahooapis.com\/v1\/place\/12521721",  
#       "lang":"en-us" } ],  
#   "start":0,  
#   "count":1,  
#   "total":1 } }       

Basic Object

public class YahooPlace
    public string woeid
        get { return this._woeid; }
        set { this._woeid = value; }
    public string placeTypeName
        get { return this._placeTypeName; }
        set { this._placeTypeName = value; }
    public string placeTypeName_attrs
        get { return this._placeTypeName_attrs; }
        set { this._placeTypeName_attrs = value; }
    public string country
        get { return this._country; }
        set { this._country = value; }
    public string country_attrs
        get { return this._country_attrs; }
        set { this._country_attrs = value; }
    public string admin1
        get { return this._admin1; }
        set { this._admin1 = value; }
    public string admin1_attrs
        get { return this._admin1_attrs; }
        set { this._admin1_attrs = value; }
    public string admin2
        get { return this._countryCode; }
        set { this._countryCode = value; }
    public string admin2_attrs
        get { return this._admin2_attrs; }
        set { this._admin2_attrs = value; }
    public string admin3
        get { return this._admin3; }
        set { this._admin3 = value; }
    public string locality1
        get { return this._locality1; }
        set { this._locality1 = value; }
    public string locality1_attrs
        get { return this._locality1_attrs; }
        set { this._locality1_attrs = value; }
    public string locality2
        get { return this._locality2; }
        set { this._locality2 = value; }
    public string postal
        get { return this._postal; }
        set { this._postal = value; }
    public string postal_attrs
        get { return this._postal_attrs; }
        set { this._postal_attrs = value; }
    public string centroid
        get { return this._centroid; }
        set { this._centroid = value; }
    public string boundingBox
        get { return this._boundingBox; }
        set { this._boundingBox = value; }
    public string uri
        get { return this._uri; }
        set { this._uri = value; }
    public string lang
        get { return this._lang; }
        set { this._lang = value; }

    private string _admin1_attrs,_admin2_attrs, _admin3, _locality1, _locality1_attrs, _locality2, _postal, _postal_attrs, _centroid, _lang, _uri, _boundingBox, _countryCode, _admin1, _country_attrs, _country, _placeTypeName_attrs, _placeTypeName, _woeid;


It's returning a collection of place are you accounting for that? Also you might try something like this and see what it generates. http://jsonclassgenerator.codeplex.com/





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