
Enabling XSLl in PHP

I have a server with php5 installed on it. I need to enable XSL on it. when I try phpinfo(); I don't see anything related to XSL. I already have "libxslt" installed.

Is there a way through which I can upgrade my php installation to have xsl support? I don't want to reinstall php.


I thought of adding extension=xsl.so to php.ini but I don't know if I have xsl.so there and where it is! but does that work?? if yes I have to figure out where xsl.so is or download it if that's possible.

Please help me because this is my first experience in a real working environment.

BTW: The server OS is Linux (a property distribution base on RPM).


I tried the following method but still can't enable xsl or see any difference in phpinfo():

1- decompress the php source code and cd to the directory of the extenstion i.e. cd /path/to/php/ext/xsl

2- phpize

3- ./configure

4- make

5- then move the xsl.so to the extension_dir

6- restart apache

I found this on many forums and blogs online but I don't know why it didn't work with me.

I finally could enable XSL without recompiling the whole PHP, using phpize command:

How to enable php extension using `phpize`?

the most important thing is enabling DOM extension before compiling the XSL extension and enabling it..


PHP5 should include the xsl extension by default. Your particular php installation may need to be recompiled with the argument --with-xls[=DIR], where DIR is the directory where your libxslt is installed.

When I set this up for myself, I founf this article to be helpful: http://flex.sys-con.com/node/200299?page=0,3





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