
A Simple application that can run in windows task bar

I want to write a very simple application, containing a pop-up menu when user click on it, that will appear in windows task bar, exactly like language bar, this is the only need. it does not concatin any more functionality at the time being.

Does anybody know where to start or do you have any sample code for it.开发者_运维百科 I really do not know where to start since I am a Newbie!

Thanks in advance

Try having a look at the NotifyIcon class.

You are looking for ITrayDeskBand but good luck with getting anything out of the MSDN documentation.

I suggest a web search for ITrayDeskBand and looking at the top hits that aren't on MSDN!

For example, this from the Code Project looks useful. Note that since this is a shell extension, most of the code you find will be native because .NET shell extensions are somewhat frowned upon.

You need to develop a ToolBand for this.

You can either develop one yourself or use a library like EZShellExtensions.





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