compiling PHP 5 to EXE?
i have been using the awesome bambalam: compiler to make exe from php source.
But it's getting old, and it doesn't suppo开发者_如何转开发rt php5.
Is there another project that will do the trick?
ADD1: i need only for windows
Please note, this was answered before the OP added the vitally important "I need only for windows" addition to the question.
Well the way Facebook handle this is by compiling to an intermediary language, C++, via a piece of software called HipHop for PHP.
There's also PHC, and a few others. Zend Server caches the bytecode which helps a lot.
You can try exe output, get it here, It has amazing features supports html, flash, javascript, php, etc.
Give a try to one of these tools:
- PHPFlexer, if you only have a single php file (like a quick commandline tool)
- RapidEXE, if it's several files/folders; here you can even choose a PHP version
- PHC-Win, it's the ancestor of PHPFlexer and works pretty well
- ExeOutput, a big monster but it gives you a webserver environment and a nice GUI
- ZZEE, despite its silly name it's pretty good but features some oldish PHP
The first 3 is command-line, the last 2 are able to develop a window-based application; but they're slow, sometimes a bit tricky to configure and they also make a big fat exe file that loads relatively slow (especially ExeOutput). Command line ones are pretty compact and easy to use, with an output exe around 2MB.