
Fast and simple binary concatenate files in Powershell

What's the best way of concatenating binary files using Powershell? I'd prefer a one-liner that simple to remember and fast to execute.

The best I've come up with is:

gc -Encoding Byte -Path ".\File1.bin",".\File2.bin" | sc -Encoding Byte new.bin

This seems to work ok, but i开发者_如何学Cs terribly slow with large files.

The approach you're taking is the way I would do it in PowerShell. However you should use the -ReadCount parameter to improve perf. You can also take advantage of positional parameters to shorten this even further:

gc File1.bin,File2.bin -Encoding Byte -Read 512 | sc new.bin -Encoding Byte

Editor's note: In the cross-platform PowerShell (Core) edition (version 6 and up), -AsByteStream must now be used instead of -Encoding Byte; also, the sc alias for the Set-Content cmdlet has been removed.

Regarding the use of the -ReadCount parameter, I did a blog post on this a while ago that folks might find useful - Optimizing Performance of Get Content for Large Files.

It's not Powershell, but if you have Powershell you also have the command prompt:

copy /b 1.bin+2.bin 3.bin

As Keith Hill pointed out, if you really need to run it from inside Powershell, you can use:

cmd /c copy /b 1.bin+2.bin 3.bin 

I had a similar problem recently, where I wanted to append two large (2GB) files into a single file (4GB).

I tried to adjust the -ReadCount parameter for Get-Content, however I couldn't get it to improve my performance for the large files.

I went with the following solution:

function Join-File (
    [string[]] $Path,
    [string] $Destination
    write-verbose "Join-File: Open Destination1 $Destination"
    $OutFile = [System.IO.File]::Create($Destination)
    foreach ( $File in $Path ) {
        write-verbose "   Join-File: Open Source $File"
        $InFile = [System.IO.File]::OpenRead($File)
    write-verbose "Join-File: finished"


  • cmd.exe /c copy file1+file2 File3 around 5 seconds (Best)
  • gc file1,file2 |sc file3 around 1100 seconds (yuck)
  • join-file File1,File2 File3 around 16 seconds (OK)

Performance is very much dependent on the buffer size used. Those are fairly small by default. Concatenating 2x2GB files I'd take a buffersize of about 256kb. Going larger might sometimes fail, smaller and you'll get less throughput than your drive is capable of.

With gc that'd be with -ReadCount not simply -Read (PowerShell 5.0):

gc -ReadCount 256KB -Path $infile -Encoding Byte | ...

Plus I found Add-Content to be better and going file-by-file for a lot of small files, because piping only a moderate amount of data (200MB) I found my computer going oom, PowerShell freezing and CPU at full.

Although Add-Content randomly fails a few times for a few hundred files with an error about the destination file being in use, so I added a while loop and a try catch:

# Empty the file first
sc -Path "$path\video.ts" -Value @() -Encoding Byte 
$tsfiles | foreach {    
    while ($true) {
        try { # I had -ReadCount 0 because the files are smaller than 256KB
            gc -ReadCount 0 -Path "$path\$_" -Encoding Byte | `
                Add-Content -Path "$path\video.ts" -Encoding Byte -ErrorAction Stop
        } catch {

Using a file stream is much faster still. You cannot specify a buffer size with [System.IO.File]::Open but you can with new [System.IO.FileStream] like so:

# $path = "C:\"
$ins = @("a.ts", "b.ts")
$outfile = "$path\out.mp4"
$out = New-Object -TypeName "System.IO.FileStream" -ArgumentList @(
try {
    foreach ($in in $ins) {
        $fs = New-Object -TypeName "System.IO.FileStream" -ArgumentList @(
        try {
        } finally {
} finally {




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