Js Pagination error
I need to perform a pagination where I need to display 5 rows every time. First 5 rows are displayed. On the second click, the next 5, the third rows no. 11-15, and so on. I need to display even if at least one row is there (after n clicks where totalRows mod 5 is less than 5). I do not get this.
function rightArrow()
pageCount = document.getElementById('pgCnt').value; //totalRows / 5
totCount = document.getElementById('totCnt').value; //totalRows
currPage = tempRows - pageCount + 2; //current set of rows
document.getElementById('tempPage').value = tempPage;
var m = totCount%5;
if(pageCount != tempRows)
m = 5;
{ m = (totCount % 5) - 1;
document.getElementById('rightArr').disabled = true;
document.getElementById('pgCnt').value = document.getElementById('pgCnt').value - 1;
for(i = 0; i < m;i++)
type: "POST",
url: "getEODRow.php",
data: "page=" + currPage + "&row=" + i,
success: function(html)
var row = document.getElementById('chRecommend').insertRow(0);
temp = html.split(",");
for(j = 0; j < 9; j++)
str = temp[j].replace("\"","");
str = temp[j].replace("\"",'');
str = temp[j].replace("[",'');
col = row.insertCell(j);
col.innerHTML = str;
开发者_运维问答 });
I realize this question is pretty much dead, but I came across it looking for something else, and I figured I'd toss an answer at it. Since it's not a critical issue, I went ahead and reworked everything you've got here plus a lot of code that you didn't choose to include.
// App namespace
var MyApp = {Paging: {}};
// Paging Controller
MyApp.Paging.Controller = function(){ this.init.apply(this,arguments);};
MyApp.Paging.Controller.prototype =
// Initializer gets everything hooked up
init: function()
$.log("Initializing Paging Controller.")
// Get all the nodes we'll need
this.totCntNode = document.getElementById("totCnt");
this.pgCntNode = document.getElementById("pgCnt");
this.currMinNode = document.getElementById("currMin");
this.currMaxNode = document.getElementById("currMax");
this.prevPageButton = document.getElementById("prevPageButton");
this.nextPageButton = document.getElementById("nextPageButton");
this.pageContainer = document.getElementById("pageOfItems");
// Mimic table's .insertRow to make row adding easy
this.pageContainer.insertRow = function() {
var row = document.createElement("div");
row.className = "row clearfix";
for (var i = 0; i < MyApp.Paging.Model.itemsPerRow; i++)
var cell = document.createElement("span");
return row;
// Attach listeners to the next and previous buttons
this.prevPageButton.onclick = this.showPrevPage.bind(this);
this.nextPageButton.onclick = this.showNextPage.bind(this);
// Update the display for the first time
// Run this whenever the model has changed and needs to update the display
updatePageInfo: function()
// Get info about what page we're on
var currentPage = MyApp.Paging.Model.currentPage,
totalPages = MyApp.Paging.Model.getTotalPages(),
itemCount = MyApp.Paging.Model.itemCount,
pageSize = MyApp.Paging.Model.getPageSize(),
rowsPerPage = MyApp.Paging.Model.rowsPerPage,
rowsOnThisPage = Math.ceil(MyApp.Paging.Model.getItemsOnPage(currentPage)/MyApp.Paging.Model.itemsPerRow);
// Clear out previous page data
while (this.pageContainer.children.length > 0)
// Add space for the new page data
for (var rowInd = 0; rowInd < rowsOnThisPage ; rowInd++)
$.log("Loading Page " + currentPage + ".");
// Request the data via ajax for each row
for(var i = 0; i < rowsOnThisPage ; i++)
type: MyApp.Paging.Model.queryType,
url: MyApp.Paging.Model.queryURI,
data: MyApp.Paging.Model.getQueryData(currentPage, i),
success: function(pageNum, rowNum, result)
// Don't serve data from the wrong page
if (pageNum !== MyApp.Paging.Model.currentPage) return;
// When we get the data back, put it into the correct container
// regardless of when it was received
var row = this.pageContainer.children[rowNum],
temp = result.replace(/[\["]/g,"").split(","),
str = "";
for(var j = 0; j < temp.length; j++)
row.children[j].innerHTML = temp[j];
}.bind(this, currentPage, i)
// Update the informational bits under the items
this.totCntNode.textContent = itemCount;
this.pgCntNode.textContent = totalPages;
var min = currentPage * (pageSize ) + 1;
this.currMinNode.textContent = min;
this.currMaxNode.textContent = Math.min(min + pageSize - 1, itemCount);
// Disable the prev page button if there are no previous pages
if (currentPage <= 0)
if (this.prevPageButton.className.indexOf("disabled") < 0)
this.prevPageButton.className += " disabled";
// Enable the prev page button if there are previous pages
if (this.prevPageButton.className.indexOf("disabled") > -1)
this.prevPageButton.className = this.prevPageButton.className.replace(/(?:^|\s+)disabled(?!\S)/g, "");
// Disable the next page button if there are next pages
if (currentPage + 1 >= totalPages)
if (this.nextPageButton.className.indexOf("disabled") < 0)
this.nextPageButton.className += " disabled";
// Enable the next page button if there are next pages
if (this.nextPageButton.className.indexOf("disabled") > -1)
this.nextPageButton.className = this.nextPageButton.className.replace(/(?:^|\s+)disabled(?!\S)/g, "");
// This is called when the next page button is clicked.
showNextPage: function()
if (MyApp.Paging.Model.currentPage + 1 >= MyApp.Paging.Model.getTotalPages())
// Shouldn't have been able to activate this anyway
return false;
// This is called when the prev page button is clicked
showPrevPage: function()
if (MyApp.Paging.Model.currentPage <= 0)
// Shouldn't have been able to activate this anyway
return false;
// I typically expect an object like this to be created by the server and dropped dynamically onto the page
MyApp.Paging.Model = {
itemCount: 140,
itemsPerRow: 9,
rowsPerPage: 5,
currentPage: 0,
queryType: "POST",
queryURI: "getEODRow.php",
queryDataFormat: "page={itemPage}&row={itemRow}",
getTotalPages: function() {
with(MyApp.Paging.Model) {
return Math.ceil(itemCount/(itemsPerRow*rowsPerPage));
getPageSize: function() {
with(MyApp.Paging.Model) {
return itemsPerRow * rowsPerPage;
getItemsOnPage: function(pageNum) {
with(MyApp.Paging.Model) {
return Math.min(((pageNum+1) * getPageSize()), itemCount) - pageNum*getPageSize();
getItemsInRow: function(pageNum, rowNum) {
with(MyApp.Paging.Model) {
var onPage = getItemsOnPage(pageNum);
return Math.min((rowNum+1)*itemsPerRow, onPage) - rowNum*itemsPerRow;
getQueryData: function(itemPage, itemRow) {
with(MyApp.Paging.Model) {
var data = queryDataFormat;
data = data.replace(/{itemPage}/gi, itemPage);
data = data.replace(/{itemRow}/gi, itemRow);
return data;
So, whenever the page is loaded, with an onload handler or whatever, you would create and hang onto a singleton instance of the Paging Controller.
MyApp.Paging.Controller.instance = new MyApp.Paging.Controller();
This should handle issues with Ajax calls returning out of order as well as partial pages of data and partial rows within those pages.
Demo: http://jsfiddle.net/2UJH8/8/