Get count from Powershell Group-Object
I am trying to get some stats about our code. This works fine for one module:
function countTestCases($path=$pwd) {
Get-ChildItem $path -Recurse -Include *.java | Where-Object {-not $_.PSIsContainer } | Select-String "extends ComponentTestCase", "extends DatabaseDependentTestcase" | Group-Object Pattern | Select-Object Count
but I want run this across all modules to get a CSV output like this:
unfortunately, if I add
| Select-Obejct Count
it doesn't work (although Name does). not sure how to get around this without writing too much code...
I couldnt simpler find a way.. but this seems to works
Get-ChildItem $path -Recurse -Include *.cs | Select-String "int", "string" | Group-Object Pattern -AsHashTable | foreach {
new-object psobject -Property @{
int = $_['int'].Count;
string = $_['string'].Count;
module = 'mymodulename'}
} | select module, int, string
The output looks like
module int string
------ --- ------
mymodulename 19 78
I'm using string and int as my patterns, but you'll have to replace it for yours
It works (at least for me). Is it perhaps because this data is right aligned and you don't notice it on the far right side of your console? Also, rather than use select, you can pick off "just" the property value with a Foreach
cmdlet e.g.:
Get-ChildItem $path -Recurse -Filter *.java | Where {!$_.PSIsContainer } |
Select-String "extends ComponentTestCase","extends DatabaseDependentTestcase" |
Group-Object Pattern | Foreach {$_.Count}
creates a whole new object to contain just the properties you selected from the incoming object so a lot of the time it is overkill. Also, I would recommend using the Filter
parameter on Get-ChildItem
over Include
as Fiter
is quite a bit faster.