
Creating and Deploying EJB's using Intellij 10 and GlassfishV3

Does anyone have a good tutorial on how to create and deploy EJB's using Intellij 10 and Glassfish. I have been working on learning some J2EE basics and t开发者_如何学Gohis has been a huge stumbling block as I have found tutorials for everything else.

Thank you.

Please refer to the following official documents:

  • Developing applications for GlassFish Server in IntelliJ IDEA
  • Debugging applications for GlassFish Server in IntelliJ IDEA

I've been playing around a lot with EJB and web modules in an JavaEE project using IntelliJ IDEA 10 UE. I got it working and I've tried to write down the steps I was taking: http://codelevain.wordpress.com/2011/03/03/javaee-project/

A sample project can be downloaded from the blog or: http://dl.dropbox.com/u/7012354/javaee-sample.zip

Even when everything looks fine, Glassfish still spits out error messages (something about not being able to open a zip file). It also says that the app could not be deployed (which it apparently is).





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