cucumber , jQuery and redirects
I have a select tag on my page, I have made via jQuery on domready a listener for the change event. In this listener I redirect the user to the same page with a parameter in the url.
When I test the functionality manual, it works very well.
When I run the test, it fails, the redirect doesn't work.
How I can make it work ?
When I select "2010" from "year_select"
And I wait 5 seconds
Then "2010" should be selected for "year_select"
Then I should see "time_sheet?year=2010" with html
The test fails, I see time_sheet?year=2011 (the default value) in my html source, manual I see the correct value. It is not updated via Javascript, but according to te year variable passed in the url (after the redirect)
My jQuery code:
var yearSel开发者_开发百科ect = jQuery("#year_select");
window.location = "/time_sheet_admin?year="+yearSelect.val();
What I make wrong ?
I think u have missed out _admin in the scenario. Use time_sheet_admin instead of time_sheet in the scenario. If my suggestions is useless sorry for that.
What I usually do for testing complex JS stuff is to put them in a function and then test if that function was called:
selectChanged = function() {
window.location = "/time_sheet_admin?year="+jQuery("#year_select").val();
*note no need for the variable assignment because you only called it once.
then in your feature:
Then I should see "time_sheet?year=2010" in the url
step definition:
When /Then I should see "time_sheet?year=2010" in the url/ do |seconds|