
jQuery parents then locate a div to hide

Ok, so i've got this .parents() function that goes outside to a located class/id. In my case, (.wrapper).

<div class="wrapper">
<div class="hide">Hide Class</div>
<div class="boxClass></div>

I've got a list of these div's on a single page, so, if i click the "Hide Class" text, everything would fadeout, since everything in the list, has the same class name. Now, back to my question. I use .parents() to locate (.wrapper) (i know this can be done with (.parent)). But how can i use .parents to go back and then select (fadeOut) a class inside it? EX, boxClass?

In your case, they're siblings, so just use the siblings()(docs) method in the handler.


Or if they're not actually siblings, use the closest()(docs) method then the find()(docs) method.


Inside a handler this represents the element that invoked the handler. As such, it is a direct reference to the specific .hide element that was clicked.

Something like this?


.children() only travels a single level down the DOM tree. Use find():





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