Spring AOP: get access to argument names
I'm using Spring 3.x, Java 6.
I have an @Around aspect with the following joinpoint:
@Around("execution(public * my.service.*.*Connector.*(..))")
So, I'm basically interested in intercepting all calls to public methods of classes with the class name ending with "Connector". So far so good.
Now, in my aspect I would like to access the actual argument names of the methods:
public doStuff(String myarg, Long anotherArg)
myarg and anotherArg
I understand that using:
CodeSignature signature = (CodeSignature)jointPoint.getSignature();
return signature.getParameterNames();
will actually work but only if I compile the code with the "-g" flag (full debug) and I would rather not do it.
Is there any other way to get access to that kind of runtime information.
开发者_运维问答Thanks L
Unfortunately you can't do this :-(. It is a well known limitation of JVM/bytecode - argument names can't be obtained using reflection, as they are not always stored in bytecode (in the contrary to method/class names).
As a workaround several frameworks/specification introduce custom annotations over arguments like WebParam
property) or PathParam
For the time being all you can get without annotations is an array of values.
Check the implementations of org.springframework.core.ParameterNameDiscoverer
Annotations like @RequestParam
used by spring inspect the parameter name if no value
is set. So @RequestParam String foo
will in fact fetch the request parameter named "foo". It uses the ParameterNameDiscoverer
mechanism. I'm just not sure which of the implementations are used, by try each of them.
The LocalVariableTableParameterNameDiscoverer
reads the .class
and uses asm to inspect the names.
So, it is possible. But make sure to cache this information (for example - store a parameter name in a map, with key = class+method+parameter index).
But, as it is noted in the docs, you need the debug information. From the docs of @PathVariable
The matching of method parameter names to URI Template variable names can only be done if your code is compiled with debugging enabled. If you do not have debugging enabled, you must specify the name of the URI Template variable name in the @PathVariable annotation in order to bind the resolved value of the variable name to a method parameter
So, if you really don't want to include that information, Tomasz Nurkiewicz's answer explains the workaround.
In Java 8 there is a new compiler flag that allows additional metadata to be stored with byte code and these parameter names can be extracted using the Parameter object in reflection. See JDK 8 spec. In newer versions of hibernate org.springframework.core.ParameterNameDiscoverer uses this feature. To use it compile using javac
with this flag:
-parameters Generate metadata for reflection on method parameters
Access parameters using reflection's Parameter class.
I am not sure if its a best way, but I added a Annotation on my method:
My Annotation:
@Retention (RetentionPolicy.RUNTIME)
@Target (ElementType.METHOD)
public @interface ReadApi
String[] paramNames() default "";
@ReadApi (paramNames={"name","id","phone"})
public Address findCustomerInfo(String name, String id, String phone)
{ ..... }
And in the Aspect:
@Around("aspect param && @annotation(readApi)")
public Object logParams(ProceedingJoinPoint pjp,
ReadApi readApi)
//use pjp.getArgs() and readApi.paramNames();
This is probably a hack but i did not want to compile with more options to get information. Anyways, its working well for me. Only downside is that i need to keep the names in annotation and method in sync.