How to Setup My Own Directory Index Rules in htaccess to Allow/Block Special Folder Access?
Imagine I have a folder, inside it are a bunch of photos from my latest nude colony camp visit, and the extravagant shots in it and all, that I dont want just everyone to have access to when typing the main folder e.g.
Now, is there any possibility, and if yes, whats the proper correct apache language, to have the following rules for my website using htaccess or other magical powers:
RULE1: By default, block access to the ftp-lookalike-free-file listings to any and all folder contents.
RULE2: When however a (hidden?) file named pass.port is present in that folder, then do allow ftp-lookalike free listing of all the contents.
That way I can make exception to which folders I want to let BE visible, and which better NOT. Thank you for your clues and suggestions!
To disable files listing for the directory and all sub-directories add to your .htaccess
Options -Indexes
To disable viewing files with a particular extension (for example, .port) add
<Files ~ "\.(port)$">
Order allow,deny
Deny from All